
Profile of Hong Kong International Musician Association

Hong Kong International Musician Association is a professional music group focusing on international art exchange, which has been identified as high artistic level. 

HK·IMA aims to offer an international stage for all the musicians to communicate and develop further, holding concerts, masterclasses, forum, lectures, and competitions at regular intervals, as well as expanding global musicians. 

Since 2011HK·IMA has been hosting and organizing "Liszt Memorial Prize" Hong Kong International Piano Open Competition, "Chopin Memorial Prize" Hong Kong International Piano Open Competition, Hong Kong International Vocal Open Competition, Hong Kong International String Open Competition, Chorus Festival of Four Regions Across the Straight and other musical activities. It has become a large and professional organization to promote music art around the world. 

Official website for more details: hk-ima.com




為促進中韓雙方的文化藝術交流,創造積極向上的文化藝術環境。 香港國際音樂家協會聯合亞洲鋼琴協會,特舉辦2019首屆韓中國際鋼琴藝術節暨鋼琴演奏比賽,為懷揣藝術才華及夢想的中韓選手提供展示自我、相互交流的全新國際平臺,挖掘和培養青少年藝術人才,搭建中韓雙方的友誼橋樑。 ...