
The Final Round is Coming!

From August 20th to 24th, 2018, Hong Kong International Musician Association will hold the fifth "Liszt Memorial Prizes" Hong Kong International Piano Open Competition in Hong Kong.

The first round of 2018 "Liszt Memorial Prizes" Hong Kong International Piano Open Competition has taken place in different divisions. The final round will be held at the Chieng Han Chow Memorial Building of Pui Ching Primary School, where finalists will make live performances.

The first prize of Open Class will be $35000, second prize $15000 and third prize $5000. All prizes will also include certificates and trophies. All performances will be uploaded to the GMTV app.

Zhou Guangren, one of the most distinguished Chinese women of the 20th century, a famous pianist, educationist, and music activist, will chair the jury. Arbo Valdma, an Estonian pianist and music pedagogue, is also the honorary chairman of the jury.

"Liszt Memorial Prizes" Hong Kong International Piano Open Competition has been held in Hong Kong since 2011.

Official website for more details: liszt-ipoc.org




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